
In March 2019, i spent 1 month in Nepal, and i've seen so much things. i wasn't prepared for that.
Here is the story of how i landed in Nepal.


Instagram : @arnaudmoro /

Let’s get started … Back in January, i was in Paris for a photo shoot with Adidas, but it have been cancelled 1 day before I joined a friend photographer, who was shooting with a guy named “Cat”, he was full covered of tattoos. We planned a photoshoot few days later in Paris. After 2-3 hours of photoshoot, we went to a bar, and talked about our future projects of the year. The feeling with this guy was cool, his life was interesting, and at some point I said : “I don’t know, i would like to go or In mongolia or in Nepal in March, but nothing is sure” and he told me “that’s funny, i’ll be in Nepal in March for 3 Months”. He didn’t knew i was also doing filmmaking, and he also said “I would like to do a video documentary” and i said “that’s also funny because i planned to do a video documentary there … it could be funny to maybe do something together !!” We shook our hands, and said, see you in Nepal. This guy was gonna go here in any ways, but i was affraid of it, affraid to travel out of my comfort zone. I never did any trip really alone, or with somebody i didn’t know at all. Life put me in a situation where i was like “i don’t have money to do it, could it be an excuse to don’t go ?” One Week before leaving i still didn’t had the money to buy my plane ticket, and i was -2000€ on my bank account … Clients had to pay me, but were late. At this moment i said to myself “that’s not an excuse, i will go there, and if i don’t do it now because i’m scared i will never do it in my life”. I broke all my economies, bought a plane ticket, paid my flat rent, bought some mountain equipement, took 750€ in cash with me and i was already at -1000€ on my bank account, credit card blocked and unusable, ready to leave for one month in Nepal, without any backup. But the risk i took was totally worth it. I fought so many fears, discovered incredible culture, i had no idea about how beautiful are nepalese people.
That was the best experience in my life sooooooo far. We also did a Trek in the Annapurna Himalaya mountains, and went to Thorung La at 5416m altitude, i was scared of it, also because it was the biggest snowstorm in 30 years. When we left, the pass was closed because of the weather conditions, and avalanches. When i was going up, it was so difficult on the top, i also had an injury at the leg, i had tears in my eyes, and i just thank to all the people i love, it helped me and gave me enough adrenaline to continue and reach the top. It was the HARDEST THING IN MY LIFE with 50% of oxygen in the air, but i’m now so proud of myself and all the memories i now have in my head. This trip helped me a lot to work about myself, and i hope that the pictures shared here, can show you a bit of the experience i had in Nepal.
Discover a small teaser of the experience :
Copyright Arnaud Moro